Poetry Slam

Library Children's Area

Celebrate Poetry Month with an evening of spoken word.

Come share poems, a short story or other creative spoken expression. Share an original piece, a favorite author's work, or just enjoy listening. We promise a welcoming setting with engaging words and refreshments for all.

Possible bonus: Students from River Valley High School classes have been invited and may, as in previous years, share pieces they've been working on! 

Movies, Munchies, and More: Customs and Culture of Japan

Every Tuesday at 1pm, come to the library for a cup of coffee, a sweet treat, and either a movie or a presentation.

Joe Fahey will be back with a presentation, "Customs and Culture of Japan." Life in Japan can be very foreign to those of us living in the west. Joe Fahey spent a year in Japan and is well versed in its culture. In this presentation he will share the customs that guide everyday life, ranging from social rules to food and sports.